This tool is used for students to make their own writings into a professional looking, hard back book. I would love to use this tool for students to really take pride in their writing. I know they would appreciate their writing a lot more if it was in their own personal book instead of on regular paper. Even as an adult, I would love to have my writings in the form of a book. I student can use this tool to keep their hard work for life.
This tool is simply used as a search engine. Students are to use this tool to collect information on any subject they need. I would use this for students when it comes to research projects. This tool has very reliable and kid-friendly resources. This tool also keeps up with the current news so students can know what's going on around us every day.
This tool is used to create documents with different types of formatting, bullets, borders. spell check and much more. You are able to share documents with other if need. This tool always makes sure that your documents aren't over written. I would use this tool for students to work on their formats when it comes to writing an essay. It's a good tool for them to do their assignments and for me to be able to watch their progress by the shared document.
This tool is used for presentations. You can use this completely online, you don't have to use a flash drive or email. You can just log into the website and have you presentation right there. I would use this for group presentations. This websites gives you the opportunity to think a little more outside of the box than just your average PowerPoint.
This tool is used to evaluate a paper. This tool checks for spelling and grammar. It also detects if anything was plagiarized within the paper. I would use this tool as a reference to the students. They can use this tool be proof their paper before they have to turn it in.
This tool is used for daily writing prompts. This website gives you different categories to choose from. I would use this as a daily writing warm up. This gives the students and opportunity to think quick on their feet and be creative. We used a tool like this one when I was in school and I loved it so much! It really helped me with my writing skills.
This tool is used to make videos. You can upload and remix your own movies. This tool allows you to upload and share to the public or have a private account. I would use this tool for presentations. I would like to use it for possible history assignments and have students reenact certain historical times. I would also make sure that my classroom would have our own account that way there's no fear of videos being viewed by the public.
This tool is used to create a work-cited page for papers. This cites things for you as long as you provide the information that is needed. This tool put the information in the right format. You can print it out or copy and paste it onto your work-cited page. I would use this tool as a resource to my students so they can see how a work-cited is created.
Tool is basically like a giant notepad. It's an online visual thinking tool thats helps your capture ideas and organize information. You can share the URL to keep others posted. I would use this to provide information for my students. This could be where I document assignments and important news for my students and parents.
This tool is used for making online quizzes and polls. I would use this tool to do just that! This is a perfect way for students to think quick on their feet and be ready for a quiz any time.