Monday, April 13, 2015

Social who?

Social media has been running off the charts for the past 10+ years!  At first social media seemed like it was best thing ever invented. You could keep in contact with your best friend who lives miles away, you could snoop on the "popular" girl that you went to high school with and see how her life really turned out, you could do all sorts of things with social media. According to the article that I have posted below, social media really ISN'T the best thing that has happened to us. Social networking causes you to tune out the world that's right in front of you. I couldn't help but agree with these articles even though i'm guilty of having a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, (and many moons ago), a MySpace account. For me, I originally got on the Social Networking train because that’s all everyone ever talked about so of course I had to have one (or 5) as well! But after I went on a few mission trips, social networking was a great tool for me to use to stay in contact with the people that I have met over seas.  It was really cool that I could get on my laptop and chat with people that were thousands of miles away from me. As I started to get more and more into social media, I realized that it started taking my away from the real world. I started to choose snooping on Facebook over studying for tests. I chose to post picture on Instagram instead of letting myself capture my own moments. After noticing my lack of interaction in the real world, I decided to step back from social media. I deleted my Myspace account and a few other accounts. I still use Facebook to stay in contact with my family back at home and Facebook will really be my friend once my husband goes off to military training for four months, but besides that I have tried my best to limit myself to how much social networking I do because I’ve realized that life is so much better if you look up from your phone or computer and see what’s really in front of you.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with this post; so many people tune out of what is happening right in front of them rather than participating in life and being active - children included!
